Why attend transport logistic Southeast Asia and air cargo Southeast Asia?

Join industry professionals, innovators, and thought leaders from the global logistics, maritime logistics, supply chain and air cargo sectors for 2025’s latest edition of the world’s largest trade show for the transportation and logistics industry in Southeast Asia!

Register as a visitor for free and be part of this transformative event.

Build Your Network

Connect. Collaborate. Grow.

Connect with key decision-makers, industry experts, and leading companies from around the globe. Forge valuable partnerships, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network.

Sign up for our newsletter below to stay updated on the latest news and announcements.

Source New Suppliers

Trade Exhibition

Meet exhibitors offering a wide range of logistics solutions, including freight forwarding, warehousing, transportation, IT systems, and more. Discover new suppliers and strengthen your supply chain network.

Stay Informed. Market Opportunities

Insights. Trends. Opportunities

Participate in seminars, panel discussions, and keynote presentation by industry thought leaders to gain insights into emerging trends, best practices, and the future direction of the logistics, supply chain and air cargo sector, focusing on sustainability resilience and digitalization.

Explore Southeast Asia’s vibrant trade hub with country insights sessions on Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to uncover market opportunities.

Discover the Latest Innovation

Innovation. Future Logistics.

Immerse yourself in an environment of innovative solutions and industry trends. Explore the exhibition halls filled with global leading companies showcasing their products and services. Stay ahead of the curve and gain insights into the future of transport logistics and air cargo industry.

Who Should Attend

transport logistic Southeast Asia and air cargo Southeast Asia is a must-attend event for professionals and businesses involved in the logistics, supply chain and air cargo industry, including:


Enhance your understanding of the latest industry trends, explore innovative solutions, and connect with service providers to optimize your supply chain operations.

Freight Forwarders

Discover new business opportunities, strengthen partnerships, and expand your network of industry contacts.

Supply Chain Professionals

Stay updated on the latest advancements in supply chain management, logistics technologies, and sustainable practices.

Industry Stakeholders

Government officials, associations, and trade organizations can benefit from attending to gain insights into policy developments, industry regulations, and global trade dynamics.

tlacSEA 2025 Key Themes

Fostering Resilience in Transportation & Logistics

Addressing the latest challenges and opportuinities in transport and logistic sector because of more complex product demands, market conditions and new regulations.

Paving the way for a greener future

Discussing how transport and logistic players can meet the climate goal by decarbonizing the supply chain operations and the value chain.

Leveraging digitalization for enhanced business growth and efficiency

Exploring organization and automation solutions to transform supply chain management across sectors, enhance terminal and port optimization, storage management for improved operation excellence.

Trade Visitor registration is coming soon! Sign up for our newsletter below to stay updated on the latest news and announcements.

tlacSEA 2025 Key Features

All-access Main Stage with 300 in-person audience! Join Headline Keynotes and Panels each day, with visionary insights from cross-industry and market leaders, fresh takes on the industry transformation shaping and driving the change the future of transport logistic

Main Stage

Deep dive into specific industry insights and thematic focus. Expect intimate fireside chats and panel discussions with industry leaders. Share ideas with peers, get your questions answered and connect with like-minded individuals

Center Stage

Featuring interactive showcases and product demos by Exhibitors and Sponsors

Exhibitor Seminar Stage

Where the best innovations from across the industry have their time in the spotlight. Featuring interactive showcases and product demos, the Innovation Hub Stage brings new tech ideas to life for the transport logistic industry.

Innovation Hub Stage

Exclusively for our tlacSEA VIP and speakers, this is the perfect place to meet our highest profile industry leaders in one convenient lounge

VIP & Speaker Lounge

Want a place to meet with a new connection and schedule a business meeting onsite for a quiet chat? Head for the tlacSEA Business Lounge!

Business Lounge

tlacSEA 2025’s Trade Visitor registration is coming soon! Sign up for our newsletter below to stay updated on the latest news and announcements.

Register to Attend

– Wednesday – Friday, 29-31 October, 2025: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM

– Wednesday, 29 October 2025: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
– Thursday, 30 October 2025: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
– Friday, 31 October 2025: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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