Booth K01
DHL Supply Chain SINGAPORE Services, freight transport, logisticsn Booth K01 COMPANY PROFILE DHL Supply Chain, part of the DPDHLn Group, is the world’s leading contract logistics provider.n Combining value-added and management services with traditionaln fulfilment and distribution, our customized, integrated logisticsn solutions drive efficiency, improve quality and create competitiven advantage. DHL Supply Chain offers specialist, proven expertisen within the Auto-Mobility, Consumer, Chemicals, Energy, Engineeringn & Manufacturing, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Retail andn Technology sectors. As today’s global markets grow, our innovativen logistics solutions are ready to help. CONTACT Website:n FEATURE Contract Logistics & Logistics Solutions Our Contractn Logistics & Logistics Solutions help you extend efficiency,n flexibility, and cost benefits to your entire end-to-end supplyn chain. By drawing all necessary services (transport, warehousingn and management) together into a complete, optimized package, yourn supply chain operations are simplified and your business becomesn stronger and more efficient. x
DHL Supply Chain SINGAPORE Services, freight transport, logisticsn Booth K01 COMPANY PROFILE DHL Supply Chain, part of the DPDHLn Group, is the world’s leading contract logistics provider.n Combining value-added and management services with traditionaln fulfilment and distribution, our customized, integrated logisticsn solutions drive efficiency, improve quality and create competitiven advantage. DHL Supply Chain offers specialist, proven expertisen within the Auto-Mobility, Consumer, Chemicals, Energy, Engineeringn & Manufacturing, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Retail andn Technology sectors. As today’s global markets grow, our innovativen logistics solutions are ready to help. CONTACT Website:n FEATURE Contract Logistics & Logistics Solutions Our Contractn Logistics & Logistics Solutions help you extend efficiency,n flexibility, and cost benefits to your entire end-to-end supplyn chain. By drawing all necessary services (transport, warehousingn and management) together into a complete, optimized package, yourn supply chain operations are simplified and your business becomesn stronger and more efficient. x
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