Booth G21
Gross+Fuchs Group of Networks GERMANY Booth G21 COMPANY PROFILEn We are your freight networking specialists! Under the umbrella ofn the Gross Fuchs Group you will find 5 well established freightn forwarding networks bringing together mid-sized freight forwardingn companies to cooperate with another on mutual benefit. Each of ourn members has passed an extensive selection process, ensuring thatn we only select the most reliable agents for our networks. CONTACTn Website: SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Freightn Forwarding Network The Gross Fuchs Group was established in 2005n by Helmut Gross and Viktor Fuchs. Both of them are highlyn experienced in the freight forwarding industry and share manyn contacts across the globe to increase the productivity of theirn freight forwarding networks. The Gross Fuchs Group was born with an vision to gather independent freight forwarding agents and bringn them together under one roof. From the very beginning the networksn of the Gross-Fuchs Group mushroomed very quickly making us one ofn the largest associations worldwide today. x
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