Booth FE09 (DE05)
Leipzig/Halle Airport GERMANY Booth F09 (DE05) COMPANY PROFILEn Leipzig/Halle Airport (LEJ) is the third-largest cargo airport inn Europe and handled freight amounting to approx. 1.51 millionn tonnes in 2022. More than 1,200 cargo flights take off and land atn the airport every week. LEJ enables air freight traffic to operaten round the clock and is DHLs largest hub worldwide. CONTACTn Website: x
Leipzig/Halle Airport GERMANY Booth F09 (DE05) COMPANY PROFILEn Leipzig/Halle Airport (LEJ) is the third-largest cargo airport inn Europe and handled freight amounting to approx. 1.51 millionn tonnes in 2022. More than 1,200 cargo flights take off and land atn the airport every week. LEJ enables air freight traffic to operaten round the clock and is DHLs largest hub worldwide. CONTACTn Website: x
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