Chapman Freeborn Airchartering Pte Ltd SINGAPORE Charter brokersn Booth L17 COMPANY PROFILE Chapman Freeborn is a leading globaln aircraft charter specialist with 50 years’ experience andn world-class expertise in cargo, group passenger and private jetn charters, plus ACMI leasing and 24/7/365 flight support services.n With a longstanding global network and offices across the world,n Chapman Freeborn has an established presence in most majorn commercial and airline hubs and the ability to provide a localn service and competitive pricing to their clients. Chapman Freebornn is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, leaders in end-to-endn capacity solutions for passenger and cargo airlines worldwide.n CONTACT Email: sincargo@chapmanfreeborn.aero Website:n chapmanfreeborn.aero SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Cargo Chapman Freebornn is the global aircraft charter specialist. We arrange the deliveryn of all types of time-critical air cargo, including heavy andn outsize equipment, automotive, dangerous goods and humanitariann aid. x
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering Pte Ltd SINGAPORE Charter brokersn Booth L17 COMPANY PROFILE Chapman Freeborn is a leading globaln aircraft charter specialist with 50 years’ experience andn world-class expertise in cargo, group passenger and private jetn charters, plus ACMI leasing and 24/7/365 flight support services.n With a longstanding global network and offices across the world,n Chapman Freeborn has an established presence in most majorn commercial and airline hubs and the ability to provide a localn service and competitive pricing to their clients. Chapman Freebornn is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, leaders in end-to-endn capacity solutions for passenger and cargo airlines worldwide.n CONTACT Email: sincargo@chapmanfreeborn.aero Website:n chapmanfreeborn.aero SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Cargo Chapman Freebornn is the global aircraft charter specialist. We arrange the deliveryn of all types of time-critical air cargo, including heavy andn outsize equipment, automotive, dangerous goods and humanitariann aid. x
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