Booth G21
epas – Ems Ports Agency & Stevedoring Bet. GmbH & Co. KGn GERMANY Booth G21 COMPANY PROFILE epas offers professionaln comprehensive solutions for your consignments. The port of Emden,n located right on the North Sea, is our home since 1993. Seagoingn and inland vessels are loaded or unloaded daily at our quayn Northquay and Southquay terminals with our own 3 liebherr harbourn mobile cranes which can lift up tp 240 tons. We are offeringn services: terminal logistics, port agency, chartering, offshoren services, dangerous goods handling, customs services CONTACTn Website: FEATURE full service logisticsn provider terminal logistics, port agency, chartering, offshoren services, dangerous goods handling, customs services x
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