Booth G01
Janssen Group of Companies NETHERLANDS Booth G01 COMPANYn PROFILE We are the Janssen Group of Companies, and our goal is ton improve efficiency and constantly seek opportunities to add valuen in the logistics process. With our professionals, we employ smartn methods, intelligent software systems, and data analysis. Togethern with our customers, we explore creative solutions or conceive newn business scenarios that are beneficial for our clients. “Wen optimize, simplify, predict, and direct the continuity and growthn of our partners with Intelligent Supply Chain solutions.” Withinn our group, we share the same core values: energetic, flexible,n solution-oriented, results-driven, and engaged. These core valuesn provide a framework that guides the actions, decisions, andn relationships of our company. They serve as a moral compass and an source of inspiration for employees, leadership, and stakeholders,n contributing to the overall success and positive impact of then organization. Within the Janssen Group of Companies, we believe inn combining knowledge and expertise, and we collaborate in then following divisions: road, water, and air transport; parceln services; storage processing and fulfillment; storage; productn modifications; installations; de-installations; and packaging. Wen do this together with 1300+ colleagues from the Netherlands,n Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, the United Kingdom, China,n Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand. CONTACT Website:n SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Supply Chain Solutionsn Our goal is to improve efficiency and constantly seekn opportunities to add value in the logistics process x
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