Loedige Asia Limited


Company Profile

Loedige Asia Limited HONG KONG .  Booth C15 COMPANY PROFILEn Lodige Industries is one of the world’s leading suppliers ofn automated logistics systems with more than 1200 employees andn subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. For 75n years, we have focused on quality, innovation and partnership.n Moving, arranging and storing heavy goods permanently and reliablyn requires special know-how. Our teams of experts develop systemsn ranging from elevators to complex material flow systems thatn occupy a leading position worldwide. Lodige Industries stands forn quality, innovation and high-performance logistics solutionsn worldwide. CONTACT Website: www.lodige.com SOCIAL MEDIA FEATUREn Elevating Transfer Vehicle (ETV) The storage and retrieval vehiclen is used for storing ULDs in racking. Equipped with a lift, then Elevating Transfer Vehicle transports ULDs vertically andn horizontally at the same time. It is guided by rails which alson supply the power needed. Flow plane: Horizontal and vertical Flown direction: Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing andn retrieving ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated,n maintenance Benefits: Three-dimensional handling Space-savingn Minimal adjustments to make onsite A safe way to transport ULDsn with care IATA-compliant transportation of ULDsy Transfer Vehiclen (TV) The individual loading units are moved on and off the rackingn by interconnecting the integrated roller conveyor with externaln roller decks. As well as transporting ULDs which take up then entire surface of the roller deck, it is possible to transfer twon containers simultaneously. Flow plane: Horizontal Flow direction:n Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing and retrievingn ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated, maintenancen Benefits: A safe way to transport ULDs with care IATA-compliantn transportation of ULDs x

Loedige Asia Limited

Germany, Hong Kong

air cargo

Booth No: F20



Loedige Asia Limited HONG KONG .  Booth C15 COMPANY PROFILEn Lodige Industries is one of the world’s leading suppliers ofn automated logistics systems with more than 1200 employees andn subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. For 75n years, we have focused on quality, innovation and partnership.n Moving, arranging and storing heavy goods permanently and reliablyn requires special know-how. Our teams of experts develop systemsn ranging from elevators to complex material flow systems thatn occupy a leading position worldwide. Lodige Industries stands forn quality, innovation and high-performance logistics solutionsn worldwide. CONTACT Website: www.lodige.com SOCIAL MEDIA FEATUREn Elevating Transfer Vehicle (ETV) The storage and retrieval vehiclen is used for storing ULDs in racking. Equipped with a lift, then Elevating Transfer Vehicle transports ULDs vertically andn horizontally at the same time. It is guided by rails which alson supply the power needed. Flow plane: Horizontal and vertical Flown direction: Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing andn retrieving ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated,n maintenance Benefits: Three-dimensional handling Space-savingn Minimal adjustments to make onsite A safe way to transport ULDsn with care IATA-compliant transportation of ULDsy Transfer Vehiclen (TV) The individual loading units are moved on and off the rackingn by interconnecting the integrated roller conveyor with externaln roller decks. As well as transporting ULDs which take up then entire surface of the roller deck, it is possible to transfer twon containers simultaneously. Flow plane: Horizontal Flow direction:n Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing and retrievingn ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated, maintenancen Benefits: A safe way to transport ULDs with care IATA-compliantn transportation of ULDs x

Our Network


NOV 19-21, 2025

Istanbul, Turkey


FEB 19-21, 2025

Nairobi, Kenya


JUN 02-05, 2025

Messe, München


OCT 29-31, 2025



NOV 11–13, 2025

Miami, USA


JUN 24-26, 2026

Shanghai, China

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