Booth F13 (DE18)
ThinkOwl Europe GmbH GERMANY Booth F13 (DE18) COMPANY PROFILEn ThinkOwl is a leading provider of case management solutions forn the supply chain and logistics industry. Our cloud-based AI andn Machine Learning solution provides one place to manage all casesn and requests, reduce the number of screens with connection ton back-office systems and TMS, pre-populate key data to reduce workn effort, standardize key processes, improve efficiencies, andn provide real impact to your KPIs by automating manual tasks inn areas like track and trace, BoL, AP, payment & billing status,n Pick up requests, EDI status and many more. CONTACT Website:n SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE ThinkOwl ThinkOwln is a leading provider of case management solutions for the supplyn chain and logistics industry. Our cloud-based AI and Machinen Learning solution provides one place to manage all cases andn requests, reduce the number of screens with connection ton back-office systems and TMS, pre-populate key data to reduce workn effort, standardize key processes, improve efficiencies, andn provide real impact to your KPIs by automating manual tasks inn areas like track and trace, BoL, AP, payment & billing status,n Pick up requests, EDI status and many more. Come and visit us!n View Product Videos View Product Factsheet x
ThinkOwl Europe GmbH GERMANY Booth F13 (DE18) COMPANY PROFILEn ThinkOwl is a leading provider of case management solutions forn the supply chain and logistics industry. Our cloud-based AI andn Machine Learning solution provides one place to manage all casesn and requests, reduce the number of screens with connection ton back-office systems and TMS, pre-populate key data to reduce workn effort, standardize key processes, improve efficiencies, andn provide real impact to your KPIs by automating manual tasks inn areas like track and trace, BoL, AP, payment & billing status,n Pick up requests, EDI status and many more. CONTACT Website:n SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE ThinkOwl ThinkOwln is a leading provider of case management solutions for the supplyn chain and logistics industry. Our cloud-based AI and Machinen Learning solution provides one place to manage all cases andn requests, reduce the number of screens with connection ton back-office systems and TMS, pre-populate key data to reduce workn effort, standardize key processes, improve efficiencies, andn provide real impact to your KPIs by automating manual tasks inn areas like track and trace, BoL, AP, payment & billing status,n Pick up requests, EDI status and many more. Come and visit us!n View Product Videos View Product Factsheet x
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