Booth F09 (DE03)
Tiramizoo GmbH GERMANY Booth F09 (DE03) COMPANY PROFILEn Tiramizoo offers a SaaS-platform for orchestrating and optimizingn Last Mile deliveries. The platform leads to 100 % visibility, fulln automation, optimal usage of resources, lowest CO2-footprint andn customer engagement. At the heart of Tiramizoos platform is then proprietary algorithm for calculating most efficient routes byn considering urban constraints like traffic, availability ofn vehicles, opening hours, driver skill-set etc. Tiramizoo cann easily be integrated into Telematics, ERP, WMS, TMS etc. vian public API. The platform has been used both in Central Europe andn Southeast Asia, e.g. Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia.n tiramizoos customers are 3PL, retailers, wholesalers, logisticsn companies, security companies. CONTACT Website:n SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Tiramizoo Last Milen Master Minimising costs, relieving dispatchers & drivers fromn routine work, reducing CO2-footprint, automating processes andn improving customer engagement: This is what you achieve with then cloud-based Tiramizoo Last Mile Master. The Tiramizoo Last Milen Master is designed for the unique logistical challenges last milen deliveries imply. The Tiramizoo Last Mile Master is a modularn system and can easily be integrated in Telematics, ERP, other TMSn or WMS; the Tiramizoo LMM can be used stand-alone and integratedn in existing 3rd party systems. Being an Software-as-a-Service-Platform the Tiramizoo Last Mile Master: •n No hardware • No licences • No installations • Pay per usage onlyn At the heart of the Tiramizoo a self-developed optimizationn algorithm calculates fast and stable optimal routes consideringn constraints like e.g. vehicle capacity, time-windows, traffic,n opening and working hours etc. The Tiramizoo Last Mile Master doesn not optimise one vehicle only but the whole fleet taking inton account all interdependencies between the drivers & vehicles.n The goal of the optimization can be tailored individually for eachn customer by optimizing an individual cost-function: E.g.n CO2-footprint, km driven, hours spent or balanced work load. Viewn Product Video x
Tiramizoo GmbH GERMANY Booth F09 (DE03) COMPANY PROFILEn Tiramizoo offers a SaaS-platform for orchestrating and optimizingn Last Mile deliveries. The platform leads to 100 % visibility, fulln automation, optimal usage of resources, lowest CO2-footprint andn customer engagement. At the heart of Tiramizoos platform is then proprietary algorithm for calculating most efficient routes byn considering urban constraints like traffic, availability ofn vehicles, opening hours, driver skill-set etc. Tiramizoo cann easily be integrated into Telematics, ERP, WMS, TMS etc. vian public API. The platform has been used both in Central Europe andn Southeast Asia, e.g. Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia.n tiramizoos customers are 3PL, retailers, wholesalers, logisticsn companies, security companies. CONTACT Website:n SOCIAL MEDIA FEATURE Tiramizoo Last Milen Master Minimising costs, relieving dispatchers & drivers fromn routine work, reducing CO2-footprint, automating processes andn improving customer engagement: This is what you achieve with then cloud-based Tiramizoo Last Mile Master. The Tiramizoo Last Milen Master is designed for the unique logistical challenges last milen deliveries imply. The Tiramizoo Last Mile Master is a modularn system and can easily be integrated in Telematics, ERP, other TMSn or WMS; the Tiramizoo LMM can be used stand-alone and integratedn in existing 3rd party systems. Being an Software-as-a-Service-Platform the Tiramizoo Last Mile Master: •n No hardware • No licences • No installations • Pay per usage onlyn At the heart of the Tiramizoo a self-developed optimizationn algorithm calculates fast and stable optimal routes consideringn constraints like e.g. vehicle capacity, time-windows, traffic,n opening and working hours etc. The Tiramizoo Last Mile Master doesn not optimise one vehicle only but the whole fleet taking inton account all interdependencies between the drivers & vehicles.n The goal of the optimization can be tailored individually for eachn customer by optimizing an individual cost-function: E.g.n CO2-footprint, km driven, hours spent or balanced work load. Viewn Product Video x
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